Psychedelic revolutionaries : LSD and the birth of hallucinogenic research
Psychedelic revolutionaries : LSD and the birth of hallucinogenic research
-- LSD and the birth of hallucinogenic research
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"Psychedelic Revolutionaries recounts the history of hallucinogenic-drug research in Saskatchewan, and the pioneering work of Humphry Osmond, Abram Hoffer, and Duncan Blewett. They broke new ground in the 1950s and '60s in the use of hallucinogens, like mescaline and LSD, and the development of treatments for alcoholism and schizophrenia--until Timothy Leary hit the scene and undermined everything with his public pronouncements. Delving into the experiments, the researchers, as well as connections to notables like Aldous Huxley, Linus Pauling, and Alcoholics Anonymous Co-Founder Bill W, Psychedelic Revolutionaries examines popularly held myths surrounding the drugs. It shows how the Saskatchewan research made extensive contributions to this scientific field and led to radical innovations in mental health, many of which have applications and relevance today."--From publisher.
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